Thursday, May 28, 2009


Anyone seen the newspaper!? Jaya Building collapses! One of the earliest landmarks in that city man. It killed one persons and 6 are buried underneath the bulding.

Do they really deserve this ordeal? NO RIGHT? It's dreadful.

An image of the building.

Haiihh.. What to do.

Musical Evening Full Dress Rehearsal soon. Hmm.. It's gonna be HOT HOT HOT. =D

Tomorrow's the big night I suppose. Orchestra. ;D
Dressing completely BLACK tonight. Gosh. I think I'm gonna die half way in the process.
Good luck everyone! :)

From a source, red cresent was supposed to have an installation dinner.
But ya know what? IT'S CANCELLED.
An uprising is coming forth.

Well, the story is, from this source,

There are these three people who hate him damn lot right, that they somewhat in a way, brainwashed everyone into disagreeing to the installation dinner.

And because of that, now the 'installation' will be held in the hall.
HALL? The school hall?! Wtf larh. Why hall? =.=

Isn't it stupid that it's gonna be held in the hall?
It's not called an installation DINNER for nothing.

And this Cikgu X also agreed to cancel the dinner.

The source went to Mr.Ling. His answer is still pending. So we are most probably supposed to wait for an answer. In the meantime, why don't we make up our minds.

There's gonna be a campaign. Why not let Nigel Lo decide whether we have it or not? It's like so unfair to cancel it off cause of those three people. After all, Nigel IS the President of the club. He has the rights to arrange things!

Who wants a Red Cresent PARTY!? ( It's not gonna be an installation dinner anymore, it's gonna be a fiesta! ) Who wants a party!? I do! And so does everyone else. According to someone, it's going to be RM16 per person. And guess what, it's a buffet too!!

16 bucks for a buffet?! Are you nuts!? That's so worth it. So what do you say?

If you think so, say : "Yes." In the chatbox to the right of this post!
Be sure to write down your names! Come one everybody!

Discrimination should NOT be supported ;D

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Could this be the reason?

Why am I getting so hooked on the computer?
The PS2?
The XBox?

I think I have found the most appropriate for this issue..

And that is.

The ever so wonderful.


With his super green dinosaur thingy.. Yoshi.

And his brother, Luigi! *coughannoyingcough*

And the princess who Mario tries to save but fails everytime. Peach. Originally Princess Toadstool.

Blahh. Mario is easy to get hooked on ok?
It's like.. killing mushrooms! And turtle things called goombas.
I mean, who wouldn't wanna jump on things? =P

Then they turn flat and jump away. =D
It's cute.
It's cool.
It's the most annoying game I have ever played. :)

But word is, people are using Mario to gain control of little kiddies' minds.

He could be making them jump on people's heads right now. THIS VERY INSTANT. Omg.

But who cares. It's a fun game ;D

Hah. Told you he's evil. That traitorous swine! Even Yoshi agrees. And he's scared to Swine Flu too. ;D

Thursday, May 21, 2009


HAPPY NOW? So what if Adam is gay?
Doesn't mean you can judge him and call him some gay ass who can sing nothing more.
Or maybe even think, because he's gay, he has no real talent.
Or probably, he's gay. HE SUCKS. =.=

So ya know what, I removed the post.

Gay people are practically the nicest and most hardworking people alive.

Look at our school canteen. They hired people like them cause they are HARDWORKING.

Although the women in the canteen may be lazy, but look at the 'softies'. They work the hardest among all. You CANNOT deny that fact.

And look, a lot of you were like : EH. All ah gua wan the canteen.

SOOO WHAT LAH. They're probably more hardworking than most of us.

Look what Adam achieved. He's probably making an album already. Alongside Kris Allen.
I know quite a few of you are like :
' HAH! Kris won! THAT GAY LOST.'

So does that mean.. You hate him because he's gay?

If kids can understand, but look at most of us! Teenagers already still thinking this way. Indulgent. Immature.

And again. SO WHAT IF HE'S GAY.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Selamat. Hari Cikgu. =)

It's Teacher's Day today. A time to celebrate all the things that our teachers had done for us.
Happy Teachers Day to all teachers!

Todays celebration was fine. I guess. =D

Picture post time.

A group of guys.

Andrea. Being her blur self =D
Holy mother f... Nose picker!
Shawn and Dr. D Daryl
Lodge =)
Daryl's feet. SO FRIKKIN CLEAN MAN. You can fry an egg on it.
Jesmond! =D
EEEWWW. It tasty!
Ohh Darryyl! =)
Imitation of Darren =D
Hmmm. Man to man =D
Aaron Yong. Male model of the century.
Matt and Kim.
Chirs Kong with his shadeeesss. :D


I told you...
Holy cow.
HOLY SH*T WTF IS THAT OMG-ish sonova thing-a-ma-bob!? O_O

~ END ~

The posers. =)
Picture for the day. best one all month =)

And a few pictures from Darren's house.

Rape? I think so.
Daryl thinking : Omg.. don't tell me. It's made of silk!
The Ho. =D
Daryl. Again xD
The emo-corner.

Alister's sports day last week. Damn was it cute =D
Alister is in yellow. In the middle. xD
Racing positions.

Tsk. People think Man U is here too. =.=
Race track.
The kid in red in the middle is a midget. and he's CUTE!
The hugest kid here. He loves Maggi Mee. And he's cute too! =D

Last month. Saw this giant butterfly at Jon's house. WOO.

Doesn't look huge? See the proof.

And it's sexy too.

And random pic of Jason and Me. xD

! The end !