Sunday, March 1, 2009

More more more Interschool

Friday was the last day of interschool. But I didn't update on it.
But here it is =D
No more wait. More interschool fever. =P

Lodge supporters all the way xD Alan posed after this picked. Slow reaction man. And you call yourself a runner. ( Dont own me T__T )

Oh. During interschool. We found out smth.. Cikgu Lee is VAIN. =D

You can see how damn hot it was. Lol.

Liz, Sean, Yeh Shan. ( Umbrella =) ) and Zoee.

And them again. Only adding Elaine and Matt. Yooouu faaagg =)

Dont focus on the one in front. We were losing.

Errr... Brenda issit?

Zhi Li at the back. She overtook 2-3 people. Wwttfff.

Karen =D

Leo and Mr. Goh. Leo's shirt. I like girls who like girls. ( Me too? )

Cikgu Connie Lau sleeping =D

We got bored. You can't blame us. =)

4X400. The beggining.

He's receiving his medal for high jump, boys C division.

Alan again.

I think this is Hannah Wee's. I can't see them cause they're too small. Lol.

Ehsan's hurdling pro-ness

SM LODGE. Hated by all schools. xD Except CHMS 1 =D

The Jubilee Ground before it came incredibly hot.

Well, before ending. I wanna congradulate all the people who won and the rest who participated with full of confidence and stuff. =)


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