Saturday, September 20, 2008


A few days ago.. me sis got a new hair cut. *It looks like a mullet*SHH!!! And so.. she thought it was a perfect timing.. Too................ CAM-WHORE! =D So here they are!


In this pic, you may see a man to a mullet wearing lady who is an utter gay in taking pictures. =) See the AWESOME resemblance of the mullet woman and the gay? And in this.. the mullet lady tries to act cute.. but instead... WOW. =D
But as for the gay... I'm afraid he ate too much ice-cream.. in result.. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Such a sad state of affairs.. =(And in this picture.. You will see the gay who has taken too many drinks from the school canteen. And the mullet woman is happily giggling away all the beer she drank. Ahh... Aren't mullet women nice? =)And for the GRAND FINALE... A sexy hot model has joined them. =) Surprised, they both smile and gasp like never before. Wow. Despite the gay's ugly features, he tries his best to succeed in life with his lousy appearances and works for RM0.50 an hour! AWWW...
Sadness... =( Whatever about him =D

And besides that.. Last night, it was my parent's anniversary! YAY! And we went to Magenta to eat. Pics will be coming soon. =) So STAY TUNED!

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