Monday, September 15, 2008

A pain in people's butts =)

Today, well.. we pretty much had a spot check. And guess what.. Siang Hui brought his pet hamsters! =) The cute.. fluffy..chubby..fat.. *drools*

Okay,enough about that. And so.. we all were worried that they would confiscate his hamster! T__T But I don't think it'll happen. Hehe.

The smell of sweat puzzled my brain. I couldn't think about anything but what Cikgu Joey said today. ABORTION! =( But, I don't wanna go into that topic cause I hate blood and abortion. That's why girls. Don't do drugs nor beer, cause it can make your motherfcuking egg form into a baby. =)

Besides that, I really scared of blood. So whatever. =(

Okay whatever now. I kn ow this post may be boring and what not. But it's YOUR problem that you don't like it. So Shut up and just read. =) Next post will be about a kid's birthday party. MORE INFO SOON. So keep on a look out!!!!!!!! =.=

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