But enough about that. Last Saturday.. was... a kid's party! Also known as Sheldon. He's the son of my mother's best friend. AUNT CHRISTINA! =) She rocks, he rocks, they all rock. xD
So, we went to Pizza Hut.. the one on top of KFC? Yeah, that one. Well, the food was good. But apparently.. I kinda ate TOO much. But it's still okay. And you guys and girls know The Starbitez Pizza? YEAH!!! IT ROCKS! =) So to all cheese lovers out there. BUY IT AND TRY IT!
So.. here are the pics!
This part of the party was very serious. Not knowing whether to get fat with meatballs.. or pizza.. xD
And after that.. we ate quite a lot.
In total, we paid about.. RM300 for EVERYTHING! =D Good thing Aunt Chris 'chia-ed' us. =)
Well.. besides that, todaeee... Cikgu Chiong and Sophia Bong pissed me off. They treated me as if I were ####. Sophia usually only does bad stuff to me if I annoy her right? But guess what, out of the blue, she acted like I was #### to her. =( I've never been so mistreated until like that.. well.. had worst last year, but nevermind bout that. =)
And besides Sophia, Cikgu Chiong was acting like a sour ass dipped in a urinated pile of #### covered in pieces of more #### wioth chocolate. Mmmm... yum..chocolate..
And ya know what? I just asked her a simple question about the newspaper project and she was like.. GAH! Lemme type out the dialog.
Me: Cikgu Cikgu! I don't know how to put the things together.. How to do? Please? *smiles*
Me: I was listening but I didn't understand.. sorry
Chiong: Haiya! It's only cut and paste! Why you don't know how to do!? Form 1 already! You might as well just don't do and I give you 0!
That's when I felt bloody pissed. =) So I stormed off and refused to talk to her eventhough she was trying to apologize and tell me how to do it. But screw her! =D She's the worst teacher ever. She's worst than every teacher in Form 1! Good thing she's thinking of quiting next year!! xD
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