Monday, November 17, 2008

The Night Of All Nights

Not exactly the night of all nights but.. it was the 1995 ANNUAL FORM 1 DINNER.

Well, I wonder, do you people think it was great?
I had fun. Sort of. But it wasn't up to my expectations.

I got there. rehearsed a bit. And before I knew it, I was on stage ready to sing.
I was like.. Holy Mother! I'm gonna sing! *choked on saliva*

I had to admit, I was nervous. A little. But guess what, I made it through.
I guess a lot of you people thought I sucked. Fabian and Darren did a good job with the guitaring.

Well, it's all over now. NOW, wanna know what was the highlight of the whole dinner?
When THE TUNNING CREW people started crying. Why? Well, our main man, Nicholas, is migrating. Practically everyone almost cried. Except for those Son of a bitches with no hearts and don't even feel any sadness for them.. I can name out people, but best if I shouldn't cause you people would hate me.

But whatever, who am I to control you? I wrote a poem for Nick. I can type it out now, but lazy. Next post tomorrow then.

Well Nick. If you're reading this. I hope the poem meant something. Even if I only knew a little bit bout you. You would be an extremely great guy. Were all gonna miss yooh.

Benjamin Teo. BEN. Vanessa and I are like crying over you. You're COOL. FUNNY. Awesome. Badminton pro. A nice guy. You're just great Ben. Hope you enjoyed your party. We'll all miss you. ):

Pictures will be posted up tomorrow. QUITE FEW. Camera died again. Sorry. It's quite late now, so I'm gonna go to bed. =)

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